I kept thinking about the picture and looking a it. As I kept reflecting on the picture I came to see the beauty in the simplicity of the picture, in the lighting and in the lines of her body. It is beautiful and sexy, and the model is openly vulnerable. I had originally planned on modelling for it myself, cause I figured it would be easy enough to do myself and was kind of dreading it. After reflecting on the picture I was looking forward to modelling for it! After all, why shouldn't I?!?!?! I know that "fluffy" girls shouldn't do stuff like this, and as a self proclaimed "Fluffy" girl, I wanted to suddenly do nothing more than try it. Who is to say that I can't be beautiful and sexy?! I don't know who "they" are that determine who/what defines feminine beauty, but they are so wrong! There is beauty in all of us! It may not be the conventional beauty that society seeks, but we are beautiful non the less. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made! I was wrong for choosing this picture originally when I didn't feel anything for it, but now I consider my soul stirred by this picture, so here is my interpretation.